Our Scholarship Program

We believe the benefits of sailing and maritime education to our youth are many: confidence building through achievement, instilling respect for safety and rules, developing self reliance and responsibility, encouraging teamwork and sportsmanship, and promoting coastal and marine environmental awareness.

We wish to encourage all interested youth to participate in sailing education and competition. Our scholarships provide support to young sailors just beginning their sailing careers all the way up to competitive sailors as they advance.

It is our hope that any child within the community who has a desire to participate in the sport of sailing will have an opportunity to do so, regardless of whether or not they feel they can afford it. Full and partial scholarship awards are based on number of requests received and needs of the applicant.

Currently our programs include the summer OYC Junior Learn-to-Sail classroom and on-the-water instruction held at the Oceanside Harbor. Classes are for beginning, intermediate and advanced youth sailors. Scholarships are funded by the Oceanside Yacht Club Youth Foundation. Applications and further information can be found here: https://oceansideyc.net/juniors/summer-sailing-camps