Our Giving Programs
With the exception of the General Fund all our programs shown below are restricted. All monies received for a program can only be used in that program. There are no salaries paid and all other expenses are paid from the General Fund.

On The Water
This program is used to finance such things as future boat purchases, boat repairs, maintenance, SUPs, kayaks, and all things related to on the water needs.

Maritime Adventures
This program supports our Maritime Adventure Program that takes kids out into the world of maritime activities.

The OYCYF Scholarship Program is used to help kids pay for their summer sailing instruction at the Oceanside and other Yacht Clubs.

Maritime Instruction
The Maritime Instruction Program provides funding for classroom needs such as books, handouts and instructional materials. In addition the program provides funding for things like projectors, white boards, visual aids, etc. It might even fund a defibrillator.

OYCYF General Fund
The General Fund is used on an as needed basis across all programs to fill in if there are shortages or to pay for non restricted programs. All OYCYF general expenses are paid from this program.